Solr Operator 
Solr is highly reliable, scalable and fault tolerant, providing distributed indexing, replication and load-balanced querying, automated failover and recovery, centralized configuration and more. Solr powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.
Collaboratively and visually diagram your cloud native infrastructure with GitOps-style pipeline integration. Design, test, and manage configuration your Kubernetes-based, containerized applications as a visual topology.
Looking for best practice cloud native design and deployment best practices? Choose from thousands of pre-built components in MeshMap. Choose from hundreds of ready-made design patterns by importing templates from Meshery Catalog or use our low code designer, MeshMap, to create and deploy your own cloud native infrastructure designs.
Suggested Reading
- Azure Active Directory (AAD)
- Actions Runner Controller (ARC)
- Epam Delivery Platform (EDP) Admin Console
- Azure Application Gateway
- Ambassador
- Antrea
- Apache Shardingsphere Operator Charts
- Aperture Agent
- Aperture Controller
- APISIX Ingress Controller
- Apisix
- AWS App Mesh
- Argo CD Applications
- Argo Workflows
- Argo CD Operator
- Armory Spinnaker Operator
- Artifact Hub
- Athenz
- AWS API Gateway Operator
- AWS API Gateway v2
- AWS Applilcation Autoscaling
- AWS CloudFront
- AWS CloudTrail
- AWS CloudWatch
- AWS CloudWatch Logs
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Elastic Container Registry
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- AWS ElastiCache
- AWS ElasticSearch Service
- AWS EMR Containers
- AWS EventBridge
- AWS Identity and Access Management
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Load Balancer
- AWS MemoryDB for Redis
- AWS Node Termination Handler
- AWS Managed Service for Prometheus
- AWS Relational Database Service
- AWS Route 53
- AWS Route 53 Resolver
- AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
- AWS SageMaker
- AWS Secrets Manager
- AWS Step Functions
- AWS Simple Notification Service
- AWS Target Group Binding
- AWX Operator
- Backstage
- Brigade
- Buildpacks
- Camel K
- Capsule Proxy
- CD Pipeline Operator
- Cdk For Kubernetes (Cdk8S)
- Cert Manager Crds
- Cert Manager Csi Driver Cacerts
- Cert Manager
- Chaos Mesh
- Cilium
- Cloudevents
- Cockroachdb Operator
- Confidential Containers
- Consul
- Containerd
- Containerssh
- Contour
- Coredns
- Cortex
- Citrix Service Mesh
- Crossplane
- Cubefs
- Curiefense
- Dapr
- Devfile
- Devstream
- Dex
- Jfrog Distribution
- Docker
- Dragonfly
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Elastic Search
- Emissary Ingress
- Envoy
- Etcd Cluster Operator
- External Secrets Operator
- Fabedge
- Falco
- Flagger
- Fluent Operator
- Fluentbit Operator
- Fluentbit Skt
- Fluentd Operator
- Fluentd Operator
- Flux
- Fonio
- OPA Gatekeeper
- Google Cloud Platform
- Gerrit Operator
- Github Actions Runner Operator
- Github Actions Runners
- Github
- Gitlab Controller
- Gitlab Runner Operator
- GitLab
- Grafana Agent Operator
- Grafana Agent
- Grafana Operator
- Grafana UI Server
- Harbor Operator
- Helm Controller
- Hexa
- Hybridnet
- Identity Manager
- In Toto
- Inclavare Containers
- Intel Device Plugins Operator
- Istio
- Istio Operator
- Istio Rate Limit Operator
- Jaeger Operator
- Jaeger
- Jenkins Operator
- Jira Service Desk Operator
- Jitsi
- K3s
- K8GB
- K8s Vault Controller
- Kanister Operator
- Karmada
- Karpenter
- Kubeflow Katib
- Keda
- Keycloak Operator
- Keylime
- Kiali Operator
- Knative Serving
- Knative
- Kong Mesh
- Kong API Gateway
- Kube Prometheus Stack
- Kube Prometheus
- Kube Rs
- Kubernetes UI Server
- Kubedb Catalog
- Kubedb CRDs
- Kubedb Grafana Dashboards
- Kubedb Metrics
- Kubedb Ops Manager
- Kubedb Opscenter
- Kubedb UI Server
- Kubedb
- Kubedl
- Kubeflow
- Kubeform Provider AWS
- Kuberhealthy
- HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress
- Kubernetes Secret Generator
- Kubernetes
- Kubeslice Worker
- Kubesphere
- Kubevault Catalog
- Kubevault Crds
- Kubevault Metrics
- Kubevault Operator
- Kubevault
- Kubevela
- Kubevirt
- Kuma
- Kured
- Kusk Gateway
- Kyverno Monitor
- Kyverno Operator
- Linkerd
- Linux
- Litmus Chaos
- Longhorn
- Mattermost Operator
- Meshery Core
- Metallb
- Mimir
- MinIO Operator
- Kubeflow MPI Operator
- MySQL Operator
- NATS Operator
- New Relic Operator
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- NGINX Service Mesh
- Nocalhost
- Notary
- Open Cluster Management
- Open Policy Agent (OPA)
- Open Service Mesh
- OpenEBS
- OpenFeature
- OpenGitOps
- Openkruise
- OpenMetrics
- OpenTelemetry Operator
- Operator Framework
- Oras
- Parsec
- Postgres Database (CrunchyData)
- Percona Postgres Operator
- PGO (CrunchyData)
- Piraeus Datastore
- Pixie
- Porter
- Postgres Controller
- Postgres Operator
- Postgres With Operator
- Posthog
- Pravega
- Prometheus Operator
- Prometheus
- Percona Server for MySQL
- Percona Operator for MySQL
- Percona Server for MongoDB
- Percona Operator for MongoDB
- Pulsar Operator
- Pulsar Resources Operator
- RabbitMQ Cluster Operator
- RabbitMQ Operator
- Rook
- Schemahero
- Serverless Workflow
- Skooner
- Stackgres Operator
- Strimzi Kafka Operator
- Strimzi Registry Operator
- Submariner
- Superedge
- Telepresence
- Teller
- Terraform
- Thanos Operator
- Thanos
- Tikv Operator
- Tinkerbell
- Tremor
- Trickster
- Tuf
- Vald Helm Operator
- Vault Config Operator
- Vault Operator
- Vault Secrets
- Vineyard
- Virtual Kubelet
- Vitess
- Volcano
- Wasmcloud
- Wasmedge Runtime
- Windows